Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Discovery Bay

We just got back from an overnight trip at Discovery Bay, between Port Townsend and Sequim. The kids loved playing at the beach, getting pizza from the train restaurant, and Matthew even got to use his own money from his new wallet to buy candy at the candy shop in Port Townsend. He was pretty proud of that!

Random pics

Helping dad with homework, hanging with Grace G., and just having a fun time together!

Close call

We had a bit of a scare a couple weeks ago when the kids were playing with the paint and having a good old time in the sunshine. After awhile, Matthew decided to get the hose to clean up and then filled up the large bucket with water. Grace immediately jumped in and splashed in the "pool" for 20-30 min. As you can see, she is having the time of her life, but apparently became numb very quickly and I ended up having to take her to the doctor to get her circulation going again with a hot pack. Yikes! It was scary, but here are the picture to prove that there was really no way of knowing that she was too cold or in any kind of pain.