Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

The kids got lots of new toys from Santa this year. Matthew got a train table with tracks which he spends hours working on. Grace got a new kitchen that she doesn't quite know what to do with yet. Matthew also got the only puppy he'll ever have....his name is Spotty and he takes him for walks around the dining room table. Also, we found an old power wheel Chevrolet trashed in the backyard at Clint's brother's house. He said we could have it and Clint fixed up nice for Matthew, so he spent Christmas morning tearing up the backyard in his jammies! What fun!!


The Van Dorens said...

Wow, what a fun Christmas! I love the picture of Matthew driving and we love Matthew's new "pet". Can't believe Grace is already one! Time flies! We need to get together soon!

The Van Dorens said...
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